Achievement Program

The achievement program is designed to track the development of players from the perspective of the different skills in the coerver list of essentials. It is also there to provide some incentive for players to develop their skills and to try to achieve as high a level as possible. Every level is possible to achieve but will require practice and discipline. Upper levels are built on the skills acquired in the levels below it. Levels are achieved in order, no jumping between them.

The achievement program is NOT mandatory. However, coaches should encourage players to attempt as many levels as possible as it will improve their basic skills and their confidence. Football is more fun when both skills and confidence are at a high level.

Players should study the video material for the level they wish to achieve. The Technical Coach will make a time with the player(s) to test them. If the player manages all the exercises in a good manner, the table is updated with the date that the player achieved the level.

If a player does not acheive the level, they need to review videos, practice more and take the test again. The technical coach will decide whether the player should repeat the whole level test or only parts of it.

Below is a table holding a list of players who have opted to take the challenge and test their skills. Hats off to these players. Respect! And good luck.

If you want to be included on the list, send an email to

Ideally, all players should be on the list and achieve levels 1 and 2 at a minimum.

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The achievement program is designed to track the development of players from the perspective of the different skills in the coerver list of essentials. It is also there to provide some incentive for players to develop their skills and to try to achieve as high a level as possible. Every level is possible to achieve but will require practice and discipline. Upper levels are built on the skills acquired in the levels below it. Levels are achieved in order, no jumping between them.

The achievement program is NOT mandatory. However, coaches should encourage players to attempt as many levels as possible as it will improve their basic skills and their confidence. Football is more fun when both skills and confidence are at a high level.