
In any sport there are skills required in order to play well. Football is no different. In a small club like BK46, we have teams, coaches and trainings. Every effort is made to develop the skills needed for the game. However, it is rarely possible to focus on individuals in larger groups. For this reason, BK46 has searched out a training program/framework that could address this gap in an effective and understandable manner.


In BK46, junior football is a hobby. Hobbies are supposed to be fun and enjoyable and are supposed to provide a platform for success. As with all hobbies, the fun goes out of it if the player is continuously struggling with the basic skills required to be successful. Every effort should be made to bridge this gap. Thats why we are here.

A player should master the basic skills as young as possible, the younger the better. The older the player gets, the less time they will have on the ball in games. If the basic skills are not well developed by 12 years of age, the hobby becomes stressful and the success rate (and fun) drops.

Coerver Coaching

Coerver® Coaching is a global football coaching program suited for all ages but especially for players aged 5-16 years old of all abilities and their parents, coaches and teachers. Inspired by the teachings of Wiel Coerver and created in 1984 by Alfred Galustian and Chelsea great, Charlie Cooke.

Coerver Coaching is the leading brand name in independent football education globally, delivering skill based football coaching in 47 countries across the globe. Coerver is a comprehensive coaching program for young players teaching both individual skills and team play to both boys and girls with programmes for players of all ages and abilities.

Why Coerver Coaching?

The Coerver Method focuses on individual skill progression, and the development of tactical awareness through drills carried out in small groups. Its commanding philosophy is one of control over the ball, and it was developed through Coerver analysing hour upon hour of footage of some of the game’s greatest ever players. Pele was known to be a particular inspiration, and through immersing himself in his project, Coerver came to believe that incredible skill was not simply innate, but could be taught.

What does this program cover?

This program will focus on the bottom 3 levels of the pyramid as these are the capabilities that have been identified as fundamental. In addiion to the bottom 3 levels, group play (top component) will be used as a vehicle to implement the skills and capabilities learned in the bottom 3 levels (better suited to older players).

Essentially, the size of the group participating in any given training should not matter as long as the group is not too big. Small group sizes are fine.

As far as age groups are concerned, this program will cover ages 8 – 13/14.